Scott Park

1 Junction St, West Babylon, NY 11704, USA

About Scott Park

3.9 / 5

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    Kellie Gribbon
    August 23, 2019

    Very clean great nice quiet neighborhood safe for children and tons of stuff for them to play on They get to play then when the day is done they rest very well from a day at the park with mom an dad. More great parks should be built like this one.

    December 08, 2020

    Scott Park, for all your Pokémon go needs. Spin that poke stop battle in that gym it's all good at Scott Park. Oh and yeah it's a playground too!

    Eric Lottman (T0xic B4con)
    March 05, 2017

    I love Scott park, it's a small, fun little place for kids.

    Puchy Castro
    September 03, 2017

    Nice and safe place for small children to play before sundown.

    Daniel j “Fuzzy” Cor-i-ca
    July 15, 2020

    It is quaint.. Great for grandma to bring the grandkids

    Scott Park

    Our Address

    1 Junction St, West Babylon, NY 11704, USA

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