Linda McParland Leads the Charge in Cleaning Up Neguntatogue Creek

14 April 2016

A Disturbing Discovery at Neguntatogue Creek

Linda McParland, a Lindenhurst local and environmental advocate, recently organized a cleanup of Neguntatogue Creek, a waterway that flows through the area and ultimately into the Great South Bay. Linda’s journey began when she was invited to follow the creek and investigate its condition. What she discovered was deeply troubling.

“I cleaned up by Herbert Street. It was invited to follow the creek and investigate, okay, and when I saw it, I was so sickened by it,” Linda recounted. “It’s very disheartening to see what we’ve done to our natural workplace.”

Linda’s passion for the environment extends beyond the creek. She is actively involved in efforts to save the Great South Bay, and she understands the interconnectedness of the waterways in the region. The pollution in Neguntatogue Creek is not an isolated issue—it has far-reaching consequences for the bay and the surrounding ecosystem.

Investigating the Source of Pollution

During her interview with Ryan O’neil Williams of I Love Babylon, Linda discussed the challenges of identifying the source of the trash that accumulates in the creek. She noted that the creek is bordered by both private and public land, including areas managed by state and county authorities.

“What do you think is the true source of the trash that gets in here? What do you think it comes from?” Ryan asked.

Linda responded, “Well, yes, that too, but specific area, do you think? I don’t think people from right here are just standing here and tossing stuff in the creek. Are people from further up? Is there what’s happening here?”

The conversation revealed that the pollution may be coming from further upstream, and that it is unlikely that individuals are directly throwing trash into the creek. Instead, the trash may be carried by the flow of water, accumulating in certain areas and creating an environmental hazard.

Taking Action to Clean Up the Creek

Undeterred by the challenges, Linda took it upon herself to clean up the creek. She collected a significant amount of trash, including around 40 bottles, from just one stretch of the waterway.

“I picked up close to 40 bottles right on this stretch on the other side,” Linda said. “That’s people throwing rum bottles.”

Her efforts demonstrate the scale of the pollution problem and the need for collective action to address it. Linda’s dedication to the cause is evident in her hands-on approach to making a difference in her community.

A Call for Greater Accountability

Linda believes that more needs to be done to address the pollution in Neguntatogue Creek, and she is calling for greater accountability from the authorities responsible for managing the waterway. She argues that the owners of the creek, including state and county entities, should be required to inspect and maintain the cleanliness of the creek, just as private property owners are required to maintain their own land.

“They should have to inspect their rivers and fix the [problem], like I have to fix my [property] and I have to get my [responsibilities] back,” Linda argued.

Her message is clear: the health of the creek and the bay is a shared responsibility, and all stakeholders must play their part in protecting these precious natural resources.

Join the Conversation and Watch the Full Interview

Linda McParland’s efforts to clean up Neguntatogue Creek are a testament to the power of individual action and community engagement. Her passion for the environment and her commitment to making a positive impact are an inspiration to us all.

We invite you to watch the full interview with Linda McParland, conducted by Ryan O’neil Williams of I Love Babylon, to learn more about her journey and her vision for a cleaner, healthier Neguntatogue Creek and Great South Bay. Join the conversation and find out how you can get involved in protecting our local waterways.

Watch the Full Video on YouTube

As Linda reminds us, the health of our environment is in our hands. Whether it’s organizing a creek cleanup, advocating for better environmental policies, or simply being mindful of our own actions, each of us can play a role in creating a more sustainable future for our community and our planet.

Together, we can make a difference. Let’s take action today and ensure that the beauty of Neguntatogue Creek and the Great South Bay is preserved for generations to come.

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